Les atouts du real


On-screen display of all the sources
eady to be distributed individually


Installed in less than 5 minutes,
it is easily movable thanks to its motor assist.


Touch screen / iPad®

Tri-CCD cameras

Two professional quality Full HD
motorised camera


On-screen display of all the sources
eady to be distributed individually


Installed in less than 5 minutes, 
it is easily movable thanks to its motor assist.


Touch screen / iPad®

Tri-CCD cameras

Two professional quality Full HD
motorised camera


On-screen display of all the sources
eady to be distributed individually


Installed in less than 5 minutes, 
it is easily movable thanks to its motor assist.


Touch screen / iPad®

Tri-CCD cameras

Two professional quality Full HD
motorised camera


On-screen display of all the sources
eady to be distributed individually


Installed in less than 5 minutes, 
it is easily movable thanks to its motor assist.


Touch screen / iPad®

Tri-CCD cameras

Two professional quality Full HD
motorised camera


Freedom to film

With LE RÉAL’®, you will discover all the benefi ts of a truly integrated mobile studio. This “all-in-one” system lets you film, record audio & video and ensure distribution. Simply plug it in and your LE RÉAL’® mobile studio is ready to go; you can move it from room to room, allowing you to tackle different tasks. You get to choose your fi lming location!

Surgeon's eye

Different built-in cameras enable an overall view, as well as a good understanding of the context of the operation. The overhead camera, however, offers an actual view of the surgical site from the surgeon's perspective. LE RÉAL’® lets you connect more than 12 video sources (laparoscopy column, interventional radiology system, 2nd operating theatre, audience feedback, Google Glass®, …). The thumbnail view provides true fl exibility when working: using an iPad®, the operator can very easily select the source through which to broadcast to the entire audience.

Zooming in on quality

Equipped with the best High Defi nition solutions, LE RÉAL’® boasts incomparable image quality, immersing your audience in the heart of the operation.

Successful co-production 

LE RÉAL’® can be shared. Thanks to its mobility, it can be shared among all specialities in the establishment. Its mobility being one of its main strengths, LE RÉAL’® does not generate any operating loss linked to disuse of a room because of installation or maintenance

Easy to use: A single operator
manages the entire system

Intuitive: Perfectly fl uid control
using an iPad®.

Simplicity: A plug socket + an
Internet connection and the system
is ready to go

Installation: Set up in 15 minutes

Maintenance: As the system is mobile,
maintenance can be performed outside
of the operating theatre. No disuse of the
operating theatre.

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